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I am the Director of the Andrew Electromagnetics Laboratory.

Websites of past research projects

My research interests include

  • Radar Systems Ground penetrating radar, Radio Frequency Tomography, Propagation models of the electromagnetic field in complex environments, Inversion methods for inverse scattering problems, Multipath effects
  • Antenna design Vector antennas for direction of arrival applications and/or improved communication channel capacity
  • Computation of special functions Maliuzhinets functions, Mathieu functions, Oblate and prolate spheroidal functions
  • Electromagnetic scattering High-frequency methods: Physical Optics, Geometrical Theory of Diffraction, Uniform Theory of Diffraction, Incremental Theory of Diffraction; Analytical solutions of canonical scattering problems
  • Electromagnetic measurements Measurement of antenna properties, Measurements to validate electromagnetic scattering theories
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility Interaction of high-power ultrawideband electromagnetic pulses (HEMP) with digital systems, Electromagnetic shielding, Penetration of electromagnetic fields into cavities
  • Wireless Communications Methods for the propagation of the electromagnetic field in complex environments, ray tracing.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fast computation of the distribution of the radiofrequency field (B1+) in ultra-high MRI applications, Fast computation of temperature effects due to the radiofrequency field (B1+)